Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Learning about Ebay and ZEn CArt........

Transacting with Ebay and buying goods on AmAzon has always been a routine for computer freaks and speacially students,who prefer buying goods online rather than moving to stores and standing for minutes for checkout.......

I was building a shopping cart online and I came across two great technology or modules named as ZENCART and LARIS both have their advantages and disadvantages......the great thing about ZENCART is an open source online management system, supporting cross platforms and multilple cross domains.It is PHP-based, using a MySQL database and HTML components. Providing support for many languages and currencies, it is available for free under the GNU General Public License. Zencart gains it popularity with some extra cool features like GIFT CERTIFICATES and VOUCHERS......

some notable features includes:

Zen Cart's default installation provides everything needed to maintain a professional shopping cart web site for an unlimited number of products. Products, pricing, shipping, newsletters, sales and more are managed by the store owner through the administration area. The shopping cart is already set up to receive payments from any major credit card and several popular payment gateway services are included.

The following is a list of some of the key features of Zen Cart :

  • multiple language support
  • multiple customer modes
  • unlimited category depth
  • multiple sales and discounts
  • multiple display modes
  • XHTML 1.0 compliant template system
  • unlimited extra pages
  • multiple ad banner controller
  • multiple shipping options
  • multiple payment options
  • newsletter manager
  • discount coupons
  • gift certificates
  • featured products
  • quantity discounts
  • phpBB integration through external module

Friday, October 31, 2008

Working on Botnets with Dr. Amoros

This semester opened many new intrests and new vistas for me !!! I was not that keen to learn and research about web security and information authentication but my Encounter with Dr. Edward Amoroso ( Chief Information Security Office - ATnT -Bell Labs ) gave me a new direction.

Taking his course Cyber Security and Information Authentication at Stevens not only routed my intrest in this domain but also helped me in knowing more about the future buzz in Data privacy.My currently researching on Botnets and writing a White Paper on Botnets with the guidance or Prof Edward and Prof Rich Turner......

I am updating some important information about BOTNETS

Botnets: The new threat Landscape

A botnet is an army of compromised machines also known as ZOMBIES, that are under the command and control of a "SINGLE BOTMASTER".The rise of consumer broadband has gretaky increased the power of botnets to launch the crippling denial of service and sometimes DDOS attack on servers,infecting millions of computers with spyware and mailicious code, steal data,send vast quantity of spam and so on ........

Botnets are hard to detect because they are highly dynamic in nature and they adapt their behaviour to evade the security of many servers....

According to me , IT security teams must prevent corporate devices from being a part of botnet and protect corporate resources from attacks.The upcoming white paper contains my research on botnets ,the damage cause by attacks and mitigation techniques.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Meeting with Vikas Khanna...

Today was a strange day in my life......

I was working on Campus at Stevens Institute of Technology and like every other day i was quite engrossed in my work ......

Suddenly at around 11 am ..a very dynamic and charismatic personality walked in Dean's office and asked me for the appointment...( He was Indian but it clearly reflected that he was in US from quite a long time).. I requested him to wait for 10 minutes and after 10 minutes he met Dr. Ken Neilsen ( Dean at Stevens Tech)...

After the meeting which lasted 35-40 minutes , he walked out from the office ...but before leaving he handed me his Business card and I was Stunned to recognize him ( He is one of best Chef in World and among top 10 in USA )....He was no one else but Mr Vikas Khanna......I was happy as well as stunned ......My conversation with Dean gave me insights that he was awarded the NEWYORKER Trophy last year by President BUSH......

I was so elated and I am looking forward to work or help him in his huge foundation of providing vision to visualy impaired children......

I really liked his Quote "

"Disability is the inability to see ability."

"Water is one of the basic needs of survival of mankind and water can destroy it too. That is the power of NATURE. But there is an even more powerful dimension of NATURE which is a blessing to humans; courage, intelligence, compassion and the power to stand again"

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Projects fail

Software projects fail because of constant emerging requirements and change in scope of the project. Many times modules fail because of the scalability and interoperability issues with the target software. There at times replication problems and system environment problems which in turn is nothing but architecture scalability problem.

It is a combination of System and Software Engineering issue where the original system cannot be interfaced with the new module.

I have a very interesting experience to share: Currently I am working with senior design Team under the Guidance of Prof. Bernstein on a medical hospital based Software system called as RRNL( Research Registry for Neonatal Lupus ).The original software and related confidential information is stored in a Research laboratory and specimens are logged in and identified by the monopolized Software called as Freezerworks.

I am not having any problems in declaring that the research project failed at the current level because consolidation of database (Integrating the original Excel sheets with the newly created Oracle Database was the biggest hindrance to the team).

I would term this is as a flaw in the architecture design and pattern reconfiguration and also a re factoring and reuse difficulty as merging the newly made product with the existing software was a software Environmental and language consolidation barrier.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My journey begins.. Last night I was thinking of starting a blog...God knows why....??? May be to start my experiences with Tehnology, people,countries,cultures and many others...To Start with....Its my first Blog......
I will start with my philosophy of Technology,Novices in technology and their feelings...I started to work with Merill Lynch .....Big name in Investment Bank...then went over to Deutsche at Wall street....learn a lot.....but my feelings say that No Matter How old You are...

U learn Everyday....somethimes U learn from your kid...(to be punctual and discplined in life --as they are ) sometimes you learn from Animals....Sometimes we learn from Sun and moon ....that is there is a periodic cycle of Day and Night and same is with us in our life....Jumping back to technology ----- we have to learn or understand

My journey begins..

Last night I was thinking of starting a blog...God knows why....??? May be to start my experiences with Tehnology, people,countries,cultures and many others...

To Start with....Its my first Blog......

I will start with my philosophy of Technology,Novices in technology and their feelings...

I started to work with Merill Lynch .....Big name in Investment Bank...then went over to Deutsche at Wall street....learn a lot.....but my feelings say that

No Matter How old You are...U learn Everyday....somethimes U learn from your kid...(to be punctual and discplined in life --as they are ) sometimes you learn from Animals....Sometimes we learn from Sun and moon ....that is there is a periodic cycle of Day and Night and same is with us in our life....

Jumping back to technology ----- we have to learn or understand technology drives human behaviour ..........and vice-a-versa....

I have to share something about software and its timelines..

" A well used door needs no oiling on hinges...
A swift flowing stream does not gets stagnant.....

Neither sound nor thougts can travel through VACUUM......

But Software ROTS if not used...

These are Great mystries.........